About Us
The MOME+ experimental incubation program was launched in early 2014 at the
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest as a result of recognizing a dual problem. Many creative workers starting their career dream about an independent enterprise, a brand, but they face difficulties when it comes to strategic planning, assessing their opportunities and their own potential, and they lack the necessary economic and marketing knowledge. On the other hand, the university’s art philosophy cannot automatically be translated to the language of the business world: we work in several art and creative professions that, while they do not offer the chance of founding startups and accomplishing quick success, provide professionals and achievements that are integral to a functioning society. The goal of MOME+ is to seek and offer answers to this complex situation, involving a diverse pool of experts, as an experimental program in the first year: optimistically aiming at perfection, but accepting the chance of erring as well.
Project Coordinators

Andrea Schmidt

Pál Koós
József Fülöprector
Gábor KopekMOME KIT ministerial commissioner
Dániel Barczavice rector
András Derényicommissioner of the rector
Zsolt PetriMOME director of project and development
Pál Koóshead of Design Institute
Anikó Illéshead of Institute for Theoretical Studies
Csaba Kovácshead of Institute of Architecture
Ábel Szalontaihead of Media Institute
Andrea Schmidtlecturer, Institute for Theoretical Studies
Katalin AlmásiMOME Brand Office
Bori FehérMOME Global
Sipos Orsolyaproject manager